I, Libarian 3.4 brings manuscript citation scan

Published on 1426453200

New version of I, Librarian brings ODT, DOCX, and RTF manuscript citation scan.

How it works

New manuscript citation scan in Tools can find and format citations in your manuscript and create a bibliography in over 1,000 styles from citationstyles.org. This feature works with RTF files, but you can also upload an ODT, or DOCX. I, Librarian will convert those to RTF and then back to the original format, if you have LibreOffice installed. This feature was implemented using citreproc-js library from Frank Bennet.


  • You have to copy the citation keys exactly as they appear in I, Librarian, e.g. {Doe-2015-ID1234}. Custom citation keys are not supported.
  • Citation scan only creates bibliography as an endnote. Footnotes are not supported.
  • Citation groups are formatted as individual citations. You will have to re-format them manually, e.g. [1] [2] to [1-2].

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